01 February 2013

Pie #32: Easy as Pie (Old-Fashion Cream Pie)

This week was full of travel and therefore I needed a recipe that was simple and not very time consuming.  (For this reason, the posting will also be brief!)  While making the pie I realized that this simplicity is part of the reason I love to make pies.  Without much effort you can easily have a delicious and sweet treat.

This pie takes me back to my childhood - it was easily my favorite.  I always looked for it at church potlucks, extended family gatherings, and funerals.  (That might sound a bit morbid...but strangely enough some foods simply remind me of NW Ohio Mennonite funerals!)  The pie is very sweet, very rich, and very delicious!

Below is a recipe that my friend Colin suggested when we met up at Christmas.  Unlike the version Kirsty and I tried to make earlier in the year, this pie turned out very well!  I was quite pleased.


Old-Fashion Cream Pie
West Clinton MOPS Cookbook
Clara Frey

Stirs up in a few minutes.  This pie needs watching the last half of baking.  If it looks like it will run over, take out of oven a few seconds and rest, then return to oven to finish.

1 c. sugar
4 T. flour
2 c. whipping cream, not whipped (found in a carton in dairy section)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 (9 inch) pie crust, unbaked

Pie Algorithm:
1. Preheat oven to 400F.  Mix together sugar and flour.  Add the cream and vanilla; stir together.  Pour into pie shell.

2. Bake for 15 minutes; turn oven down to 350F and bake another 35 to 40 minutes or until set.  Set means jiggly but not runny!


1 comment:

  1. Je voudrais un morceau de ce gâteau / tarte (pie).
