04 August 2012

Pie #6: Mixed Emotion Pie (Sweet Cherry Pie)

This week I had an 'understudy' to help with the pie baking.  My sister, who is in a transition period between college and voluntary service, came to spend a few days with us.  As suggested in the title, the day was filled with mixed emotions.  I was nervous to try a new gluten-free crust, pleased that the new crust turned out, disappointed when my favorite childhood pie did not set up, delighted by the taste of this week's pie, excited to spend the day with Kirstie, tickled by her humor, and sad to know that she will soon be living an ocean away.  Kirstie on the other hand just felt suspicious or at least that's what she recorded on my fridge...

The pie this week was served to my friends - some old and some new.  This also added to the emotion of the day; I had a splendid time with these women!  Knowing that one of my friends has a gluten intolerance, I decided to make a gluten-free pie just for her.  The process was fairly easy, and though it was a bit crumbly the crust turned out better than I had hoped!
Recently several people have asked about the crust I use for my pies. I will post that recipe soon along with the gluten-free recipe I used this week.   For now, here is this week's pie recipe:


Sweet Cherry Pie

1 uncooked pie crust (9 inches)

4 c. pitted and quartered fresh sweet cherries
4 T. cornstarch
2/3 c. sugar (or a bit more if the cherries aren't sweet enough)
pinch of salt
fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 a lemon's worth)
1/4 t. almond extract

a second pie crust OR

Pie Algorithm:
1. Filling: Mix cornstarch, sugar, salt, lemon juice, and almond extract in large bowl.  When ingredients are mixed well and turn to completely to liquid add cherries to bowl.  Stir until the cherries are well-covered by mixture.  Put cherry mixture in crust.  Don't allow liquid to rise higher than 1/2 the height of the crust wall.

2. Put either the second crust or the almond crumble topping (or a combination of both!) on top of the cherries.

3. Bake at 400F for 25 minutes.  Reduce heat to 350F and then bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the filling is bubbling and starting to get thick.  


I'm really enjoying my sister's visit this week - it's a visit only made sweeter with a delicious pie.

1 comment:

  1. The gluten-free cherry pie was delicious! Even though the peach pie didn't set like you hoped, the flavor was amazing. I think I ate the rest for breakfast on Saturday morning :)
