11 August 2012

Pie #7: Piecemaker Pie (Ginger Peach Pie)

I belong to Piecemakers, a group which makes blankets in connection with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC).  These blankets are then sent globally to refugees, victims of natural disasters, and others in need.  For more information, visit MCC's website.  The Piecemakers are a lively bunch; it's always a joy to spend time cutting, sewing, ironing, and knotting comforters with them!  Each meeting consists of delicious food, funny jokes, and great company (along with turning out blankets)!  Though it seemed like a lofty goal, last year we were able to create and donate 100 blankets to MCC.

After sharing my blog with the Piecemakers at our last meeting, I decided to share the week's pie with them this week.  So, about this pie...

I do not like ginger.  I wish I did, but I simply do not.  Every so often I think, "I bet this recipe would be delicious.  I know it has ginger, but I'm sure I would love it."  Every time I'm wrong.  I had one such episode this week - I was certain that the ripe, sweet, juicy peaches we purchased at the farmer's market would pair perfectly with ginger in the week's pie.  Knowing that the Piecemakers like food full of flavor I thought they would be the perfect tasters for this pie.

Ginger Peach Pie
2 unbaked pie crusts (9 inches)

4-5 peaches, peeled and thinly sliced
2/3 c. sugar
1/4 c. cornstarch
pinch salt
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. ginger, freshly grated
fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 a lemon's worth)

Pie Algorithm:
1. Slice peaches into unbaked pie shell until flush with the top of the shell.  (I personally think slices should be as thin as possible.)

2. Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt and cinnamon until combined.  Add ginger and lemon juice.  Mix until you have a wet paste.  Add a bit of water (say 1 t.) if more liquid necessary.  Pour over peaches in shell.

3. Lattice the top crust over the peaches.  Brush with egg-wash and sprinkle with sugar if desired.

4. Bake at 425F for 35-45 minutes, or until pie is bubbling and juice is starting to thicken. 


The pie smelled delightful - I could hardly wait to try a piece!  I thought that perhaps this would be my ginger turning point.  With comments such as "Wow...this IS good!" and "I'll take the last piece!", it seems that the ginger was a success with the group!  However as I should have guessed, history has been repeated.  I still don't like ginger.  Maybe next time...

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