20 April 2013

Pie #43: Birthday Pie (Ice Cream Pie)

For Perry and I, this week held more adventure than most weeks.  Perry was surprised to find his friends at his favorite ice cream shop for his 30th birthday, I was granted access to the Supercomputer, and we hosted our nephews (and their parents!) for a few days.  Of course all of this was on top of the typical badminton night, mandolin playing, and thesis writing.  As we enter a season of transition, wrapping up commitments at church, saying goodbye to friends that will leave before us, sorting through (and hopefully donating much of!) our belongings, and then ultimately heading East, we are trying to enjoy life as it is before we move to the unknown.

To help celebrate Perry's birthday, we made an ice cream pie to share with our visitors.  I'm not sure this recipe is necessary; it's very simple.  At any rate...here it is...


Ice Cream Pie

1 crust (graham cracker, cookie, rice krispie)

2 complementary flavors of ice cream, softened
sauce (chocolate, caramel, jam)
whipped topping, optional

Pie Algorithm:
1. Fill the bottom half of the crust with one flavor of ice cream, and smooth until flat.

2. Pour thin layer of sauce over the first layer of ice cream.  (Perry's helpful tip: If using jam, the jam may need to be stirred in a separate bowl until it becomes liquid enough to pour.)

3. Fill the rest of the crust with another flavor of ice cream, again smooth until flat.

4. Drizzle extra sauce on top layer of ice cream, if desired.

5. Freeze pie until ice cream has again become hard.  If desired, top with whipped topping before serving.


Perry chose strawberry and vanilla ice cream with strawberry jam and chocolate sauce.  Wade thought the pie was 'deliciously delicious', and ate 2 large slices.  (Though he says he wishes he could have eaten five!)  Not so bad, I guess! :)

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