03 May 2013

Pie # 45: Review Pie (Fresh Mango Pie)

Much of my thesis writing of late has required me to dig through old research notes to find details and results from weeks and years past.  Through this I have learned that a retrospective view of your work can be just as valuable as a prospective view as sometimes rediscovering old work can lead to answers for current or future problems!  

This statement also paid off in the pie project this week.  I was reviewing the pies from peach season last summer, and realized that one of them might be delicious with mango instead.  I was right on - the pie was delicious!  In case you missed my friend Marlene's recipe in late August, here it is again (this time as the mango version).


Fresh Mango Pie

1 baked pie shell (10 inch)
1 c. sugar
3 T. cornstarch
1/8 t. salt
3 T. light corn syrup
1 c. water
3 T. lemon gelatin (dry)
fresh mango (4 cups, cut in small cubes)
1/2 T. lemon juice

Pie Algorithm:
1. Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt, and syrup in saucepan.  Add water, stir and cook on medium high until mixture thickens (about 5 minutes).  Add gelatin and blend.  Cool.

2. Mix mango with lemon juice and put in cooled, baked pie shell.  Spoon gelatin mixture over mangoes.

3. Chill thoroughly.  Serve with whipped cream.

Last time I made the pie I noted that the lemon flavor over-powered the peaches.  This time however, I thought it was perfect.  The lemon and mango flavors blended smoothly, and the pie was a refreshing end to a delightful meal with my Piecemaker friends!

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